Thursday, July 24, 2008

Photos of rumored PSP-3000

Photos of rumored PSP-3000 surface

While Sony did not unveil any new hardware at the company's E3 press conference, new photos are beginning to show up around the Net that lead us to believe they're hard at work on an updated version of the PSP.

Kotaku reports that forums members from PSPChina BBS have captured the rumored PSP-3000, identified by its PlayStation logo button that would replace the "home" button currently on the original and slim PSP models. The "new" PSP also features an onboard microphone located to the right of the volume controls.

While these photos certainly look convincing, we're still going to have to label them as rumors for now. We'll update you if Sony ever confirms their validity.

What would you want to see from the next PSP? Built-in flash memory? Larger battery life? Let us know in the comments section.

More pictures of the rumored PSP-3000 after the jump.


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